Somatic Coaching

Embodied Healing and Transformation for Joyful, Equitable Relationships in Action

coming soon

After four years of practice with Strozzi Institute- and generative somatics-trained teachers, I intend to complete Somatic Coaching training through the Strozzi Institute in 2025.

I look forward to working together for the sake of greater embodiment, trustworthiness, and joy in our movements, as we build toward a just transition where no one is left behind.

What is Somatic Coaching?

In Somatic Coaching, we bring our work for embodied healing and transformation to the field of relationships. We make explicit what we’re longing for in our lives, in our movements for justice, and in our world, and work together towards that vision. We get to know our default patterns of reactivity and what other options we might want for how we show up in our relationships. We practice asking and sensing for how these reactions show up in our bodies, how they have been shaped by the contexts and cultures we are living in, and what vulnerabilities they are protecting. And then, we practice the new skills we want to have when the same moments come around again. Learning these new skills supports us in showing up in new ways and in bringing more love, more dignity, more joy, more belonging, and more safety into our world, for ourselves and others.

Learn more about the Strozzi Institute and generative somatics on their websites.

join the waitlist

…and be the first to find out about openings in my coaching practice next year!